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HomeArticles by: Helen Timlin


Calling all Artists! We have launched an Art competition to accompany our upcoming exhibition “Exploring Art @ the Bingham Library”

If you are interested in entering, here is all the information you’ll need to know. Good Luck! • The theme of the competition is Cirencester, but this may be interpreted however you wish. For example, artworks could be an impression of a particular Cirencester building/location or could be an interpretation of Cirencester and what the area means to you. •… Read more

Heritage Open Days and 2020 Online Exhibition

The Bingham Library Trust regrets that the Covid19 pandemic prevents our opening our doors this year. However, we are delighted to present an interim online exhibition; Treasures from the Collections Paintings, drawings, photographs, ephemera and original documents. Celebrating and sharing the richness of the Bingham Library Trust Collections We hope to follow with a physical exhibition as soon as it… Read more

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