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HomeNews2023 Exhibition

2023 Exhibition

Cirencester – A Life Well Lived

Please note this exhibition is now closed.

This exhibition  celebrates the lives of Cirencester residents throughout history. It looks at many aspects of life, from social and leisure activities to education and work. This information is set alongside iconic places in Cirencester and against the context of Cirencester’s history. The artworks, photographs and archives are taken from our collections.

The exhibition is open Saturdays from 11am to 3pm from the 29th July to the 7th October.

On the 12th August and the 7th October from 11am to 3pm we will also hosting drop-in drawing activities for all ages.

On Saturday 9th September we will be celebrating Heritage Open Days between 11am and 3pm with tours of the building 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm.


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